Fresh Quenchers
We will be having a lemonade stand on November 12,2011 on the Iolani Baseball Field! All proceeds go to the Boy Scouts, Boys and Girls Club, and to the YWCA! Come and quench your thirst while helping a cause at the same time! It's a win win situation. The power of our lemonade will make you happy, but will also make our world happy. We will be selling four different kinds of tropical lemonade, made from REAL PINK LEMONS! Come, and we are definitely sure, that you will be satisfied. more
Goal: $500 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $500

Hi, my name is Ariana and I was diagnosed with severe food allergies when I was only 9 months. I was not allowed to have milk, egg, peanut, tree-nut, and shellfish or any bi-products, and it hit me hard growing up. When I was about four or five, some kids and adults said "I am surprised you are growing" and other things like that as if you could not survive without pizza or ice cream and lots of other dairy foods. By having a strict diet, I became more health and environmentally conscious, especially since my tween age brother has been a vegetarian for almost a year and a half. My family is an advocate in the fight against breast cancer to commemorate the loss of my grandmother, which also made me want to do something to help the environment. Of the bottles of water being bought each year, 80% end up in a landfills, even though recycling programs exist. Kids and families can also find this eco-friendly reusable bottle, which comes in a variety of colors, very helpful. It’s great for biking, camp, trips, college, school, or even just use it for everyday walks and can fold up in your pocket after use. Helping raise awareness in this ANTI-BOTTLE Project is very important because a percentage of breast cancer is due to environmental factors. To help protect my mom, my generation and those to come I have to do this. more
Goal: $1272 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $1272

G-SLYC Water Wise
The Hialeah Gardens High School Gladiator Service Learning Youth Council (G-SLYC) supports service learning projects at our school. The Council promotes service projects in our school and in our community. We oversee a program of teacher and students mini-grants. more
Goal: $0 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $0
GEAR UP Anti-Bottle Project
ERHS 2011 Mentors will help reduce oil dependency, eliminating waste from our landfills, and using the proceeds to fund projects that better the world, which in this case would be UNICEF. 100% of our profits will go to UNICEF to help build schools and provide education to underprivileged children in Africa. So please support! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at more
Goal: $5000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $5000
GEAR UP Mentors
Our GEAR UP club members are fund raising to increase awareness of the overuse of single use water bottles on our campus. The profits we make will go the purchase of school planners for junior high students. Oue mentors use these to teach the younger students about academic success and college readiness. more
Goal: $2000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $2000
Generation Conscious- Bosnia
GenerationConscious is an effort to promote education to children living in countries devastated by civil wars. Bosnia is the first of such initiatives. more
Goal: $30000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $30000
Get Water, Give Water
By purchasing an anti-bottle, you are reducing oil dependency, eliminating future landfill waste and creating proceeds to fund safe, clean water solutions around the world. Clean water is the foundation for reducing disease, growing gardens, and building industries for the one billion people on our planet who go without it every day.
And to think you can do all of that for $10. more
Goal: $1000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $1000

Give Hope: RSD
What is RSD?
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) is a neurological condition that affects the skin, muscles, joints, and bones. It usually develops in an inured limb or after surgery.
What are the symptoms?
1. Constant chronic, burning pain (including extreme sensitivity to touch, sound, & vibration)
2. Inflammation
3. Spasms
4. Insomnia/Emotional disturbance.
Is there a cure?
RSD can go into remission, but it is very unlikely. Current treatments include physical therapy, nerve blocks (injecting anesthetics near nerves for temporary pain control), spinal cord stimulation (exerting pulsed electrical signals to the spinal cord to control pain), and a host of medications (i.e.—antidepressants, corticosteroids, and opioids). These treatments are mostly used in combinations.
But there is no true treatment for RSD that guarantees remission or a pain-free life. RSDHope is an organization that provides information and conducts research. more
Goal: $2000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $2000

Welcome to the GOOD KIDS page. GOOD (Generating Our Own Destiny) KIDS consists of a group of 14 youth age 8-17 who work closely with the elderly in our community. We provide FREE services such as grass cutting, light housekeeping, trash pick, grocery store runs, anything they need we do it for them. We will sell the reusable water bottles to help support those in need of clean water. more
Goal: $500 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $500
We are raising money to help Japan in our Smith Talent Show. more
Goal: $200 | Raised: $54 | Remaining: $146