Youth Inspire
Finding motivation is tough. For teens all around the globe stricken with cancer, it seems as if a long and arduous path to recovery lies ahead. However, we’re here to change that.
If you’re a teen who has been diagnosed with cancer, know that you are certainly not alone. At Youth Inspire, we’ve created a vision for the connection and motivation of our youth. With a global movement of peer-to-peer support and love, teen cancer patients can receive the necessary stimulus to continue the fight, and grace the path to recovery. What better way to inspire youth than through motivation by fellow peers? Ones who are not only caring – but truly understand the difficult situations teens are placed in everyday.
Established originally as a local organization, Youth Inspire has rapidly increased to a large network with a global impact. Our premier program, “Teens Helping Teens”, has evolved into a growing movement of support and encouragement. Through contact with charitable organizations, the “Teens Helping Teens” program involves youth all around the world being photographed with our signature Youth Inspire sign. In return for each photograph taken, multiple organizations donate $1 to help teens deal with cancer, along with cancer research in general.
Overall, Youth Inspire is more than a charity, or a non-profit. Youth Inspire is a network. One of communication, love, help, and support. By uniting the youth of the globe, we can work to create a better future for each individual. more
Goal: $5000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $5000