geenshoihjihuh bhgunbkjhgiubkgbk kg ghuhukhjbhiuhgkuhkuhiuhuh more
Goal: $25 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $25
sadasdasdasda more
Goal: $1 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $1

Hello everyone,
For those who are reading this and have never heard of us, we call ourselves H.E.A.T. That stands for Healthy, Eating, Active, Teens. Our goal is to help kids learn that getting active and eating right will help you in the long run.
Heat would like to thank all of the people and businesses that helped us. We are very thankful for all of the generous donations that were made. For those who bought the vapor water bottles, we hope you are enjoying them. It has been a great thing to be involved in H.E.A.T. Thank you to those who bought vapor water bottles and those who donated money to our program.
So, the good news for today is that H.E.A.T. gave $521 to the Healthy Living YMCA for kids programs. That money came from selling water bottles. We sold water bottles at local events. We held a garage sell last summer; we sold at lot things thanks to the people who brought stuff for us to sell.
We would like to thank the Healthy Living YMCA for letting us sell the water bottles at the front door. We also thank you for letting us participate at Healthy Kids Day. We would like to thank Random Kids for all their help with the water bottles, we enjoyed selling them. We would also like to thank Tammy Mahan for putting up with us during our meetings. Also thank for helping us and making great lunches, plus driving us around. Next we would like to thank Melissa Foley for encouraging and helping us out. Thanks so much! Our last thanks is to those in our families who put up with all the meetings and events, we know that we don’t show it but we are pleased to have such great parents.
So last we would like to encourage people and kids to think of way that they can help others out. It could be anything, feeding the poor, helping the homeless, or just making someone else’s live easier.
Thanks again to everyone,
Rebekah Mahan: Team Leader
Abby Hall: Vice Leader
Alyssa Brookhart: Treasure
Naorin Ashrafi: Secretary
Lizzy Dowd: Organizer more
Goal: $4000 | Raised: $212.49 | Remaining: $3788

H.O.W.L. stands for "help our wolves live". I created H.O.W.L. to help the wolves in the wild. I also wish to help educate people on the truth about wolves. I wish to raise enough money to donate to a pack of wolves in the wild. The money will help collar the wolves and keep track of them. I also hope to raise enough money to keep the pack safe and let them live a natural life.
Recently, ranchers out west (Wyoming, Montana, ect.) have gotten really anti-wolf. Some ranchers are even grazing their cows in National Parks and kicking the wolves out. They claim "wolves don't have a place in this world". The government has even allowed ranchers to shoot a wolf on sight and the wolf pups if they are there. I don't believe this is right. Wolves belong on this Earth as much as we do. But in the end it all comes down to money and that's why the government has gotten lazy rather spend money on a rifle than a wolf's life. It's just not right. Wolves are beautiful creatures and they can live pretty harsh lives. They don't need us to make it worse. So please help me as I fight for the wolves and to end this "big bad wolf" nonsense. more
Goal: $5000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $5000

H2O: Help 2 Others
Students will participate in service learning opportunities to educate others in our district about the environmental effects of single use water bottles. more
Goal: $2500 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $2500
Half Full more
Goal: $5000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $5000
I want to create a MOVEMENT of youth and kids all ages to make a visible dent in this problem. I am creating multiple plans on how we kids can raise money to feed our friends in East Africa. We might not be old enough to vote or drive, but we kids are old enough to save a life! Lets all give a child (just like us!) in East Africa the opportunity to live, laugh, and play!
Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter! Happy Tummies for East Africa! more
Goal: $2100 | Raised: $2103.804 | Remaining: $-3
Healthy Nutrition
This is a project were we can make a plan to be healthy , nutrious and fit!!!!! more
Goal: $0 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $0
Help Fight Cancer
For my project, I am going to sell lemonade in my neighborhood, race BMX and donate any money. I am going to buy the hospital some toys with any extra money above my goal. I will donate the money to the American Cancer Society and the toys will go to the Children's Hospital in Jacksonville, FL. more
Goal: $0 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $0
Help Pirates
I am writing a pirate story over winter vacation. I will sell the story (copies) to anyone who wants them for $10 each. I will make pictures on the pages. How about that? more
Goal: $500 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $500