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Aid to Somalia

East Middle School is proud to be a Michigan Green School. We're also proud to be a school full of caring, concerned people. Help us to provide aid to starving refugees in Somalia through the Anti-Bottle Project. more

Goal: $5000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $5000
Status: Active

Decorate Your Governor

Click on your state on the map, and your governor will appear! Click on the house shaped carabiners on the desk, and move them about the room to create something for your governor to wear, use, or decorate the office. Double-click the carabiners to rotate them. You may even move your governor and some of the office items around to expand your creative thinking! :D more

Goal: $0 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $0
Status: Active

Decorate Your Governor

Click on your state on the map, and your governor will appear! Click on the house shaped carabiners on the desk, and move them about the room to create something for your governor to wear, use, or decorate the office. Double-click the carabiners to rotate them. You may even move your governor and some of the office items around to expand your creative thinking! :D more

Goal: $0 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $0
Status: Active

Feed Haiti

In Feed Haiti, we are raising money to help feed malnourished children in Haiti. Our goal is $1,000 by October of 2014. All proceeds go to this cause. more

Goal: $1000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $1000
Status: Active

Feed Haiti's Famillies Foundation

My project's mission is simply to reduce starvation in Haiti! I am collecting non-perishably food and/or donatioins to make a diffrence in Haiti. more

Goal: $0 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $0
Status: Active

Helping hand

Helping hand is a fundraiser to help people in need. more

Goal: $10000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $10000
Status: Archived

Hope young

Mis preocupaciones sobre la naturaleza, los animales, la pobreza, y demás problemas son muchos. En esta ocasión, Random Kid me da la oportunidad de ayudar con uno de los tantos problemas que me preocupan, la cantidad de jóvenes en bajas condiciones de vida. Principalmente, me inclino a brindar ayuda a jóvenes (de entre 18 y 25 años) quienes no tienen hogar, comida, trabajo, etc. Mi deseo de ayudar surgió de un viaje que realicé a Europa en donde tome conciencia de personas, con estas edades aproximadas, en la calle, pidiendo ayuda, limosna, con carteles con frases como "sin casa y hambriento, por favor ayuda". Lo que más me preocupó, fue que tienen una vida por delante, deben luchar para conseguir una mejor vida, y estoy dispuesta a ayudar con eso. El hecho de que de millones de personas pasaran por delante de ellos y solo 2 brindaran una moneda también me resultó muy preocupante. No solo se puede ayudar con dinero, a veces un trozo de comida, o una charla con la persona también pueden contribuir a mucha ayuda; pero la mayoría de las personas solo pasaban con una gran indiferencia sobre estas personas, como si no estuvieran ahí. Para lograr mi proyecto necesito de su ayuda, utilicemos la empatía, cualquiera podría estar en el lugar de estas personas, mientras mas seamos más grande será la ayuda y el cambio que podemos realizar. Ayudame uniéndote a mi causa solidaria! more

Goal: $0 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $0
Status: Active


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Goal: $0 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $0
Status: Active

Project Japan: Help The Victims

We are working to raise money for the victims of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. more

Goal: $10000 | Raised: $45 | Remaining: $9955
Status: Active

Super Storm Sandy

Right now i am at zero dollars to support super storm sandy. :( ....but thats alright. I am planning to donate all the money i raise to red cross so they can help the people on the east coast. Red Cross gives anything and basically everything they need; food,clothes, hygene kits, and more. i want every single person who was affected to get help. even if they just got one little scrape. I am going to start this project in my school. BUt my school is very very small. Plus i want to show this p[roject to so many more people. please donate! ;) thankyou oh so mucho if u do/did or didnt donate anything. <3333333 more

Goal: $999 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $999
Status: Active

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