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A Random Book About the Power of Anyone
A Random Book About the Power of ANYone
Ranked as a #1 Mover & Shaker on Amazon
"If your image of a philanthropist is a stout, gray geezer, then meet Talia Leman...I'm supporting her for president in 2044." -- NICHOLAS KRISTOF, The New York Times
You can be greater than you know how to be...
In a world where you are pushed to know more, this book will prove that your greatest asset is often not knowing. In a world where you are told it's all in the planning, this book will encourage you to keep your cart ahead of your horse and allow your dreams to lead you. In a world where you are told you need to become someone, this book will show you that you already are someone.
The author – the foremost accidental expert on this subject – is Talia Leman. A high school student, Runner in the rain. Science enthusiast. World Changer. Random Kid.
Writing with infectious enthusiasm, humor, and resoluteness, she shares her secrets to being more than you know how to be, including Don't Line Up Your Ducks, Sideways is a Better Way to go Forward, and Sell Yourself Short.  In this unexpectedly poignant, strikingly honest, and informative guide, Talia Leman shows you how to make room for life's surprises, demonstrating that everone has what it takes to make a difference for anything that matters to them. A Random Book about the Power of ANYone will move you to rethink and reimagine what's possible, one random inspiration, one random idea, one random person at time.
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