For the recognition our youth have received for their impact in the world through Randomkid,
we are truly honored:
United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Champion of Intercultural Innovation
Global Youth Talent Award, presented by the European Union and the Government of Extremadura, Spain |
World of Children's Founder's Youth Award, the "Nobel" prize for efforts that serve the world's children
UNICEF National Youth Ambassador
National Prudential Spirit of Community Award
Olympic Torchbearer 2010 Winter Games, Vancouver, designated by Coca-Cola |
NBC Nightly News: Making a Difference
CNN American Morning: Going the Extra Mile
48 People of Character Internationally, Character Counts
Soroptimist International 2010 Violet Richardson Award
National Jefferson Award
Harris Wofford Award
Glamour Amazing Young Woman of the Year 2011
Entrepreneur's Organization Global Student Entrepreneurship Award Honorary Recognition for a Non-Profit
Toyota Mother of Invention Award Newsweek & The Daily Beast
Nestle's Very Best in Youth
Presidential Volunteer Awards
L'Oreal Paris Woman of Worth
National Points of Light
Build-A-Bear Workshop Huggable Hero
Do Something Award Finalist
National Caring Award
Three Dot Dash Peace Summit Global Teen Leader
American Girl Real Girl of the Year Honoree
Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
Just seeing who's reading down this far