Internet safety is important to be vigilant about, whether you are 5 or 105. Below are the top tips RandomKid recommends, and below that you will find links to our favorite sites that talk about internet safety in even greater detail.
1. Do not provide any identifying or locating information about yourself anywhere on the Internet, including your full name, address, telephone number or school name without verifying that the site you are accessing is authentic and safe. If you are under 13, always get adult/parental permission.
2. If you see something online that you know is wrong or that makes you feel uncomfortable, exit the site immediately. If you are under 13, report your findings to an adult/parent.
3. Don't respond to messages that make you feel uncomfortable or uneasy.
4. Do not engage in online chats without verifying that the site you are accessing is authentic and safe. Predators of youth frequent sites that draw youth, and pose as youth. If you are under 13, always get adult/parental permission.
5. Never give out a credit card number online unless it is an authentic and secure site.
6. Never give out your password. The strongest passwords mix letters with numbers/symbols.
7. Never post or send out your picture without verifying that the site you are accessing is authentic and safe. If you are under 13, get adult/parental permission.
8. Be distrustful when someone offers you something for nothing, such as gifts or money.
9. Never arrange to meet someone you've met online in person unless you discuss it with an adult/parent and they accompany you.
10. Beware of unexpected/impersonal emails from friends that encourage you to click on links. The email is probably not from your friend and could unleash a virus.
These are our favorite sites for addressing Internet safety: