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Give Hope: RSD Project
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Project Details

Give Hope: RSD Project Page

World Issue: Random Issues
Solution : Random Solution


Goal : $2000
Raised : $0
Remaining : $2000

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Project Description

What is RSD? Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) is a neurological condition that affects the skin, muscles, joints, and bones. It usually develops in an inured limb or after surgery. What are the symptoms? 1. Constant chronic, burning pain (including extreme sensitivity to touch, sound, & vibration) 2. Inflammation 3. Spasms 4. Insomnia/Emotional disturbance. Is there a cure? RSD can go into remission, but it is very unlikely. Current treatments include physical therapy, nerve blocks (injecting anesthetics near nerves for temporary pain control), spinal cord stimulation (exerting pulsed electrical signals to the spinal cord to control pain), and a host of medications (i.e.—antidepressants, corticosteroids, and opioids). These treatments are mostly used in combinations. But there is no true treatment for RSD that guarantees remission or a pain-free life. RSDHope is an organization that provides information and conducts research.

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