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Teach India Project
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Project Details

Teach India Project Page

World Issue: Education
Solution : Random Solution


Goal : $0
Raised : $0
Remaining : $0

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Project Description

We are not collecting funds, We are collecting stuff like Books, Stationary and need Volunteers for this Project. Education is the best known reserve to Mankind. It can be harnessed by anyone and everyone. It helps in upliftment of an individual as well as the whole society. It is the only key to development in each and every sector. In India, we have 16 IITs spread over 15 Provinces. The Indian Institutes of Technology (Hindi: भारतीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान, IITs) are a group of autonomous engineering and technology-oriented institutes of higher education. The IITs are governed by the Institutes of Technology Act, 1961 which has declared them as “Institutions of National Importance”, and lays down their powers, duties, framework for governance etc.[1] They were created to train scientists and engineers, with the aim of developing a skilled workforce to support the economic and social development of India. IITs are listed as societies under the Indian Societies Registration Act. We as the students of higher studies can unite to initiate a project to Educate Poor Children especially Girl Child, who don\'t afford schools or are made to work by their parents to earn for their living and support their families, across the respective regions free-of-cost or on marginal price in our daily spare time and counsel and prepare them for various competitive exams. Through PAN IIT, the common IIT council for all the 16 IITs, we can unite at a single place and can have discussions to the various problems faced through the implementation of the Project and get support by our distinguished Alumni.

Supporters Making it Happen
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