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MiaEvelyn Project
Home Random Issues Sam's World Changers MiaEvelyn

Project Details

MiaEvelyn Project Page

World Issue: Random Issues
Solution : Sam's World Changers


Goal : $0
Raised : $409.5
Remaining : $-409

Welcome to our website! We are part of the Sam's World Changers Talent Show from Samantha Smith Elementary. We are singing in the Talent Show to raise money for the American Red Cross’ Japan relief efforts, the Seattle Children’s Hospital and the National Wildlife Federation’s Seattle Office.

For every $[100] raised this organization will provide [5] [various see links for details that make more sense than this part of the site] for [5] recipient(s) living in : North America
Honor Roll :
michele burlington $ 30.00 - jason kato $ 25.00 - Chia Liu $ 25.00 - Rina Kato $ 25.00 - robin kato $ 25.00 - eric-takashi mona-kevin $ 100.00 - Julie Tran $ 100.00 - John Burlington $ 25.00 - John Donnelly $ 25.00 - Lani Donnelly $ 25.00 - John Donnelly $ 25.00 - $ 25.00 -
Project Description

On Friday, May 20th, the elementary school students at Samantha Smith will put on a “World Changing Talent Show.” The event is being produced by Sam’s World Changers, a group of 4-6th graders at Smith who meet every other week and look for ways to help local — and global causes. This is a talent show with a twist — acts will be sponsored by family, friends and local businesses. All the proceeds will be divided among the American Red Cross’ Japan relief efforts, the Seattle Children’s Hospital and the National Wildlife Federation’s Seattle Office. Mia and Evelyn decided that they too wanted to get involved and these talented 1st graders decided that their act will be a singing act! They've been practicing every recess to make sure they are in tune and have the words down to the Taylor Swift song that they picked. It should be a lot of fun! Please join us in supporting their efforts! Thank you!!

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