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Tiffany Smykker
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Tiffany Armbånd
Tiffany Armbånd
Tiffany Armbånd
Tiffany Armbånd
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Kategorier Smykker Nye smykker Ringer Armbånd Brosjer Charms Øredobber Halskjeder og anheng Menn smykker Offisiell $ 1000 & Under Offisiell $ 500 & Under Offisiell $ 250 & Under Kabal smykker Uttalelse smykker Tiffany Celebration ® Rings Tiffany Yellow Diamonds Wedding Bands Designere og samlinger Klokker Gaver Tilbehør Nye produkter Tiffany Tiffany Anheng Tiffany Armbånd Tiffany Bangles Tiffany Charms Tiffany Halskjeder Tiffany Key Rings Tiffany Klokker Tiffany Ringer Tiffany øredobber Tiffany Tilbehør | Hjem :: Smykker :: Nye smykker Vår nye smykker nettbutikken tilbyr billig Tiffany & co smykker. Vi har Tiffany armbånd, halskjeder, anheng, øredobber, ringer på salg. Godt utformet Tiffany smykker både for herrer og damer. Categories Jewelry Charms Keys Watches Gemstones Diamonds Pearls Sapphires Aquamarines Turquoise Onyx Colored Gemstones Tanzanites Materials Sterling Silver Bone China Crystal Earthenware Glass Porcelain Leather Gold Platinum White Gold Rose Gold RUBEDO ™ metal Stainless Steel Titanium Lacquer Pewter Satin Exotic Skin Canvas Wicker Nylon PriceRanges Under $100 $100-$250 Under $250 $250-$500 Under $500 $500-$1,000 Under $1,000 $1,000 - $5,000 Over $5,000 Viser 1 til 12 (av 96 produkter) 1 2 3 4 5 ... [Neste >>] 
NOK 5,945.55 NOK 591.51 Du får 90% avslag
NOK 9,147.00 NOK 914.70 Du får 90% avslag
NOK 4,268.60 NOK 426.86 Du får 90% avslag
NOK 3,963.70 NOK 396.37 Du får 90% avslag
NOK 5,640.65 NOK 561.02 Du får 90% avslag
NOK 914.70 NOK 237.82 Du får 74% avslag
NOK 73,176.00 NOK 3,652.70 Du får 95% avslag
NOK 3,018.51 NOK 298.80 Du får 90% avslag
NOK 9,451.90 NOK 945.19 Du får 90% avslag
NOK 4,725.95 NOK 469.55 Du får 90% avslag
NOK 3,201.45 NOK 317.10 Du får 90% avslag
NOK 2,591.65 NOK 298.80 Du får 88% avslag
| Viser 1 til 12 (av 96 produkter) 1 2 3 4 5 ... [Neste >>] Et tilfeldig utvalg av våre produkter - Smykker Tiffany Somerset ™ bredt hvelvet bangle i sterling sølv, medium. NOK 3,658.80 NOK 365.88 Du får 90% avslag Villa Paloma bred espalier bangle i sterling sølv, medium. NOK 8,537.20 NOK 853.72 Du får 90% avslag Tilbake til Tiffany ™ hjerte tag sjarm i sterling sølv på en kjede. NOK 1,219.60 NOK 237.82 Du får 81% avslag
Villa Paloma palm anheng i sterling sølv, store. NOK 3,049.00 NOK 298.80 Du får 90% avslag Paloma 's Crown of Hearts kryss anheng i sterling sølv. NOK 1,219.60 NOK 237.82 Du får 81% avslag Villa Paloma bred palm ring i sterling sølv. NOK 1,524.50 NOK 298.80 Du får 80% avslag Våre tilbud i september Jean Schlumberger Lynn anheng i 18k rose gull med diamanter i platina. NOK 11,281.30 NOK 1,128.13 Du får 90% avslag Tiffany Enchant Bla Anheng i platina med diamanter. NOK 15,245.00 NOK 1,524.50 Du får 90% avslag Tiffany Enchant Diamond Armbånd i platina med diamanter. NOK 73,176.00 NOK 3,652.70 Du får 95% avslag
Tiffany Enchant Rull øredobber i platina med tanzanites og diamanter. NOK 60,980.00 NOK 3,042.90 Du får 95% avslag Tiffany Enchant Bla øredobber i platina og 18k rose gull med diamanter. NOK 134,156.00 NOK 3,957.60 Du får 97% avslag Tiffany Enchant Scroll Anheng i platina med diamanter, medium. NOK 57,931.00 NOK 3,042.90 Du får 95% avslag |
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Goal: $0 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $0

'A Good Deed For Those In Need'
Let me start off by saying that I appreciate the fact that you took the time to visit the page and possibly support this cause. Well, my plans are to set a box up in two different locations where students/parents can drop off books they'd like to donate to other kids in need:
1. Osceola Hart Memorial Library in Downtown Kissimmee
2. Gateway High School's Front Office
Once the books have been collected they will be sent off to 'Recycled Reading Orlando' which is an non-profit organization that takes used books and gives them to others in our community that can't usually afford books. If you'd like to contact them just email them at-
It'd be great if you could donate the books because every page counts. Do you have that book on on one of your shelves that you once really enjoyed but is now collecting dust? Donate It!! Let others have the opportunity to enjoy that one book as much as you once did. Now that you've read this, when you have the chance to go get that one book and donate it, I'm pretty sure the person to recieve that would greatly appreciate that massive act of generousity. c; If you need any clarification just email me at Johnzambrana@rocketmail.com.
Q & A-
Q:Is there any specific genre I should or should not donate?
A:No, all genres are welcome :)
Q:I wrote all over my book should I still donate it?
A: We can recycle it. If it may be annotated there are actually some people that enjoy reading books that have been annotated by a previous owner.
Q:Who are the books being handed out to?
A: They're being handed out to our community by a for non-profit organization.
Q:What if the book is beyond many kids reading levels?
A: Since they are being handed out to our community they may be given to both children and adults. So, if you were to donate a book by Dr.Seuss it would MORE THAN LIKELY be donated to a school or child, and vice versa more
Goal: $0 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $0

11 Million Smiles for East Africa
As a 13 year old girl, I feel so grateful for all the blessings that I have. Sometimes I ask myself why God gives so much to some people and barely anything to others, why some people enjoy life because they have so many commodities while others struggle just to survive one more day. I have recently read an article about the droughts in East Africa, and the extensive threat this is for the people, livestock, and their crops. More than 11 million people have been walking kilometers under the sun, trying to find water and food since the drought has killed most of their livestock and crops. And right at that moment, everything began to make sense. God gives more to others so we learn how to help and share what we have with the ones who have none. Here in Washington you hear people complain EVERYDAY about the rain, when there are people on the other side of the earth, who aren’t getting any rain at all. Since I can’t bring the clouds to them, I thought I could help from here.
Goal: $20 | Raised: $22.5 | Remaining: $-2

Goal: $180 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $180
A Home Forever
A Home Forever supports Watermelon Animal Ranch in their efforts to give shelter animals an enjoyable life; even if its with them forever. The ranch is the largest no-kill animal shelter in New Mexico and we want to make it even larger. They can hold 150 dogs and around 50 cats as well as other animals like rabbits and chickens. We are helping to fund Lee's retirement village for animals on the ranch. This village will make more room for dogs and cats and also give older animals somewhere pleasant to live out the rest of their lives. Watermelon animal Ranch already has six buildings for the village, but need money for flooring, heating, cooling, fences, and other things to complete the project. more
Goal: $1000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $1000
Aid to Somalia
East Middle School is proud to be a Michigan Green School. We're also proud to be a school full of caring, concerned people. Help us to provide aid to starving refugees in Somalia through the Anti-Bottle Project. more
Goal: $5000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $5000
AIDS Fundraiser
Hi everyone! Did you know that AIDS affects about 1.2 million people in the United States? Although some can afford it, many can't afford it, and therefore, have a shorter lifespan. This fundraiser was created to raise money (our goal is $500.00) to provide medication and care for people with AIDS who cannot afford it. more
Goal: $500 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $500
Alana's Irish Dancing
I have been dancing for almost three years and am now at the Novice level. I attend many competitions, called feis, throughout the year in both Washington and Oregon state and even across the border in Canada.
At the talent show, I will perform 2 of my favorite dances to some of my favorite Irish music. more
Goal: $50 | Raised: $81 | Remaining: $-31
Anti Cigarette Butt Campaign
Launch a "Plant Your Butts Here" Campaign in your town. Begin with one street, expand to two streets and then eventually to the entire town so there is a cigarette butt planter every 100 feet within the town. The anti-smoking laws that most cities are now enforcing cause smokers to flick, stop or toss their cigarette butts on the ground before entering a building. This has increased the amount of butts that litter the streets. Through educating the pubic about the negative effects of cigarette butts on the environment and making the butt disposal receptacles in accessible places, we can reduce the number of cigarette butts that litter the streets in our community. The butt planters are whimsical with the "Plant Your Butt Here" theme and provoke interest and amusement. Something so small does make a difference! We are committed to helping any organization begin this project in their community. Join us in this nationwide endeavor. Together we can make a difference, one butt at a time! more
Goal: $2000 | Raised: $0 | Remaining: $2000